Sunday, December 28, 2008

Science Fiction Blues

Last night, in spite of every review I've read, a gut feeling, and the obvious result of comparing Keanu Reeves with Michael Rennie, I felt compelled to drive to Northland (where the Malteasers cost more than six dollars a pack) to see The Day The Earth Stood Still. It turns out the reviews, gut feeling and especially the comparison were right. This is definitely not a movie for the SF dabbler, or for someone who expects more than B grade from their movie choices; more for the committed addict. Though in spite of its failings, I found some parts of it appealing: clato's metaporphosis was a new twist, the CG was quite good and not over done, the female lead was appealing and attractive. You just have to ignore the annoying kid, the pointless plot twists, the shmaltzy hollywood ending, and Reeves under-acting (like a house plant I read in another review).
The trouble is that good movie SF is almost impossible to come by so there is little choice for us addicts (yes I admit it, I'm a SFaholic, and I think I've traced it back to some early roots) we just have to watch the crap, hoping for a glimmer of brilliance. - A bit like reading Asimov.


Neb said...

Jennifer Connelly. 'Nuff said!
Am now checking out "Torchy the Battery Boy"... O_O

PS. Liked that dig at Asimov while you were there. That was COLD, man...

Neb said...

Honestly, who leaves their glasses on the pendulum of a grandfather clock?!? No wonder he couldn't find them!

caf said...

I agree with Neb about the glasses.
Also, did you notice, after finding out where they were, he still left them there!

I liked some of Asimov's short stories, but when I tried to read a long one, it felt like a short one padded out and I fell asleep.

Oh no! I fail as a sci-fi geek!